2024 Division 1 Weekend League
The weekend league is a 45 over format played on Saturdays & Sunday.
2024 Clubs
Albion CC
Alcos CC
Campbell River CC
Colts CC
Cowichan CC
Incogs CC
Islanders CC
Langford CC
Metchosin CC
Nanaimo District CC
Oak Bay CC
United Victoria CC
United Challengers CC
University of Victoria CC
Van Isle CC
VDCA Division I: Weekend League Match Playing Conditions
The following playing conditions shall apply to all Division I: Weekend League matches played under the administration of the Victoria and District Cricket Association (VDCA).
Except as varied hereunder, the MCC Laws of Cricket shall apply.
Law 1 - The Players
The following shall apply in addition to Law 1.1- Number of Players (VDCA Local Rule)
1.1.1 A team shall consist of no fewer than seven players. A side which is unable to field seven players shall forfeit the match.
1.1.2 Sufficient Time Given (VDCA Local Rule) Clubs may forfeit their match without additional penalty if it is done one week prior to the scheduled match (i.e. the Saturday or Sunday - 12:00pm (pacific time). In writing to the opposition captain and club secretary (if applicable) and notifying the league secretary at the same time. Points will continue to be awarded to the opposition If a match is forfeited after this time, a fine will be applied and an additional loss of 4 pts. The fine shall equal to the cost of renting the ground and the two umpires fees
1.2-Nomination and Replacement of players; shall be replaced by the following: (VDCA Local Rule)
(a) Each captain shall nominate his players in writing to one of the umpires before the toss (refer also Law 16.14 (d) below). No player may be changed after the nomination without the consent of the opposing captain.
(b) Each player so nominated must be eligible to play for the team making the nomination, and by such nomination the nominator shall warrant that each player is eligible.
(c) Any player nominated to play for any team other than that with which he is registered in the VDCA may only take part with the express consent of the opposing captain, prior to commencement of the match. Any statistics accumulated by such a player during that match - including but not limited to runs scored, wickets taken, and catches taken - shall not be counted towards that player's individual season statistics.
(d) Any player nominated to play at any match who is not registered with any team in the VDCA may only take part in that match with the express consent of the opposing captain and following his submission of a completed VDCA Player Registration Form, prior to commencement of the match.
(e) Any player registered in any Western Canada (BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba) Cricket League other than the VDCA is ineligible for participation in any VDCA Division I: Weekend League match.
(f) Notwithstanding Law 1.2 (e) above, any player who is a resident of Vancouver Island (provable by driver's license, student identification card, or similar), who is registered in the VDCA, shall be eligible to play in any match for any VDCA team.
(g) Any visiting player registered with any other league must be in good standing and not under any suspension with that league.
Any contravention of the above shall result in the offending team being awarded a loss and the opposing team shall be awarded a win, irrespective of the result of the match. A match in which both teams contravene the above shall be considered to have been cancelled
The following shall apply as an addition to Law 1-The Players
1.5-Players' attire (VDCA Local Rule)
All players shall wear proper cricket attire when playing, including clothing of a uniform colour (determined by team and subject to approval from the VDCA), and any protective equipment.
All players are encouraged to wear helmets while batting.
(a) All clubs must have no fewer than two helmets available for players' use at each match.
(b) All Junior players (as defined under Colts' regulations) must wear helmets while batting or wicket keeping.
Law 2 – The Umpires
2.1-Appointment and Attendance; shall be replaced by the following: (VDCA Local Rule)
For each scheduled match of the Regular Season, VDCA Division 1 Clubs shall be appointed by the VDCA to provide two ‘competent’ persons to act as umpires, one for each end, to control the game as required by the Laws, with absolute impartiality. The definition of ‘competent’ shall be a person who has a valid Cricket Canada umpiring qualification or equivalent from a recognized cricketing body (Per 2019-Apr-03 minutes), and who also shall be a fully paid up and insured Full Member of the VISCUS. The acceptance of such umpires from outside of Cricket Canada Certification shall be subject to the approval of VISCUS (Per 2019-Apr-03 minutes), Failure of the appointed Club to provide the applicable umpires for a match, before the start time listed, shall incur a fine to that Club from the VDCA of $75 for each ‘missing’ umpire together with the deduction of one league point for each ‘missing’ umpire. The two umpires so appointed shall, for the duration of the match, be considered representatives of the VDCA. The VISCUS shall, on a periodic basis, invoice the VDCA for the applicable ‘umpire travel expenses’ for the appointed umpires and shall forward payments to the members of the VISCUS as applicable.
Neither team shall have any right of objection to an umpire's appointment.
The umpires shall be present at the ground at least thirty (30) minutes before the scheduled start of the day's play.
Fines to be reduced to $40 per umpire that shows up after the scheduled start time and before the 20th over. Match point deductions will still be in place for late umpires.
For all other matches - including Play-Offs (refer Law 16.12 (b) below) and extra-League matches - the VDCA will appoint umpires directly.
Law 3 – The Scorers
3.1-Appointment of Scorers; shall be replaced by the following: (VDCA Local Rule)
(a) Each club shall be required to appoint a scorer for each match in which they take part, to record all runs scored, all wickets taken, and, where appropriate, number of overs bowled.
(b) Clubs may appoint a player or players involved in the match as their scorer, provided that such appointment does not result in any delay of play.
LAW 4- The Ball
The following shall apply in addition to Law 4 – The Ball
4.7 – Supplying a Back-up Ball (VDCA Local Rule): (per 2019-Mar-06 minutes)
(a) Each club shall be required to supply a back-up ball in addition to the primary new ball to the umpires at the start of the game.
(b) The purpose of the back-up ball is to have it ready to use it in the event the primary ball is “being retrieved” or lost, to maintain continuity in play and reduce potential loss in game-time.
Law 6 – The Pitch
The following shall apply in addition to Law 6.5-Non-turf pitches (VDCA Local Rule):
(6.2 Fitness of pitch for play) – The umpires shall be the sole judges of the fitness of the pitch for play. See Laws 2.7 (Fitness for play) and 2.8 (Suspension of play in dangerous or unreasonable conditions). (Local law-6.2.1) Clubs scheduled as the home team shall prepare the ground as follows prior to the start of the scheduled days play.
Creases clearly marked on playing surface
If paint is required, this must be completed the night before in order for the paint to dry in time.
Stumps and bails installed on playing surface
Clearly mark both boundary and 30-yard circle
BHP & WP are completed by the municipality, all other grounds must be done by the home side.
Synthetic surface is swept and clear of any loose debris
6.5.1 – Players shall not be permitted to wear spiked footwear on any artificial pitch surface. Players in the field may wear spiked footwear, provided they change footwear before coming on to bowl and limit contact with the artificial pitch surface as much as possible.
Law 7 – The Creases
The following shall apply in addition to Law 7-The Creases
7.5-Additional Crease Markings (VDCA Local Rule – per ICC)
As a guideline to the umpires for the calling of Wides the following crease markings shall be marked at each end of the pitch:
(a) On either side of the wicket, at a distance of thirty-five inches (35") from the centre of the wicket, a line shall be marked between the bowling crease and popping crease, to establish a guideline for umpires for the calling of off-side Wides. See Appendix C
(b) There will be no crease marking for judging leg-side wides. However, anything on the leg-side (behind the batsman) is a guideline for umpires for calling leg-side wides (per 2019-Apr-03 Minutes)
Law 11 – Intervals
11.2-Duration of intervals; shall be replaced by the following:
11.2-Agreement of intervals (VDCA Local Rule)
(a) Unless prior agreement is reached between captains, matches will commence at mid-day, 12:00 pm. Any such prior agreement must be communicated to the umpires, and shall be subject to their consent also.
(b) No specific time need be agreed for the tea interval. Unless otherwise agreed by both captains this interval will occur between the innings. Any such agreement between the captains must be communicated to the umpires, and shall be subject to their consent also. The tea interval shall be taken, regardless of circumstance, after no more than forty-five (45) overs have been completed in the match.
The duration of the tea interval shall be not less than twenty (20) minutes.
(c) Unless prior agreement is reached between captains, one (1) interval for drinks shall be permitted during each innings.
Law 13 - Innings
13.1-Number of Innings; shall be replaced by the following:
13.1-Number of Innings (VDCA Local Rule)
(a) All matches will consist of one (1) innings per side, each innings being limited to a maximum of forty-five (45) overs. All matches shall be of one (1) day's scheduled duration.
The following shall apply in addition to Law 13.1-Number of Innings
13.1.2-Length of innings (VDCA Local Rule)
(a) Uninterrupted matches
Each team shall bat for forty-five (45) overs unless all out earlier and shall have three (3) hours (180 minutes) allotted to complete their innings. Time taken in intervals for drinks shall be included in the total time allotted for completion of innings. If the fielding team fails to maintain a minimum over rate of 15 overs per hour, penalties shall be assessed.
After the first hour of play in an innings, if the fielding team has not completed at least fifteen (15) overs, the umpires together shall issue a first warning to the fielding captain. After the second hour of play, if the fielding team has not completed at least thirty (30) overs, the umpires together shall issue a final warning to the fielding captain.
If the team fielding first fails to bowl the required number of overs within the allotted time for the innings, play shall continue until the required number of overs has been bowled. That team shall have one over deducted from its quota of batting overs for each four (4) full minutes by which it exceeds its allotted time for the first innings. If a penalty is assessed, the time of the second innings must be reduced by a rate of four (4) minutes per over deducted.
If the team fielding second fails to bowl the required number of overs within the allotted time for the innings, the hours of play shall be extended until the required number of overs has been bowled or a result is achieved. The batting team shall be awarded six (6) penalty runs for each four (4) full minutes by which the fielding team exceeds its allotted time for the innings. The umpires shall signal to the scorers for the addition of these penalty runs at the beginning of the first over to commence after each period of four (4) full minutes in excess of the allotted time for the innings.
If the team batting first is dismissed in less than its full quota of overs, the team batting second shall be entitled to bat for its full quota of overs.
(b) Delayed or interrupted matches
(i) Delay or interruption to the innings of the team batting first (see Appendix A)
When playing time has been lost the revised number of overs to be bowled in the match shall be based on a rate of 14.59 overs per hour, which is inclusive of the provision of drinks intervals, in the total time available for play.
The revision of the number of overs should ensure, whenever possible, that both teams have the opportunity of batting for the same number of overs. The team batting second shall not bat for a greater number of overs than the first team unless the latter completed its innings in less than its allocated overs.
As soon as the total minutes of playing time remaining is less than the completed overs faced in the innings multiplied by 4.11, then the first innings is terminated and the provisions of Law 13.1.2 (b) (ii) above take effect.
A fixed time will be specified for the commencement of the interval, and also the close of play for the match, by applying a rate of 14.59 overs per hour. When calculating the length of playing time available for the match, or the length of either innings, the timing and duration of all relative delays, extensions in playing hours, interruptions in play, and intervals, excluding those for drinks, will be taken into consideration. This calculation must not cause the match to finish earlier than the original or rescheduled time for cessation of play on the final scheduled day for play. If required, the original time shall be extended to allow for one (1) extra over for each team.
If the team fielding first fails to bowl the revised number of overs by the specified time, play shall continue until the required number of overs have been bowled or the innings is completed. That team shall have one (1) over deducted from its quota of batting overs for each four (4) full minutes by which it exceeds its allotted time for the first innings.
(ii) Delay or interruption to the innings of the team batting second (see Appendix B)
When playing time has been lost and, as a result, it is not possible for the team batting second to have the opportunity of receiving its allocated, or revised allocation of overs in the playing time available, the number of overs shall be reduced at a rate of 14.59 overs per hour, which is inclusive of the provision of drinks intervals, in respect of the lost playing time. Should the calculations result in a fraction of an over the fraction shall be ignored.
The team batting second shall not bat for a greater number of overs than the first team unless the latter completed its innings in less than its allocated overs.
A fixed time will be specified for the close of play by applying a rate of 14.59 overs per hour. With the exception of drinks intervals, the timing and duration of all relative delays, extensions in playing hours and interruptions in play, will be taken into consideration in specifying this time.
If the team fielding second fails to bowl the revised overs by the scheduled or re-scheduled close of play, the hours of play shall be extended until the overs have been bowled or a result achieved. The batting team shall be awarded six (6) penalty runs for each four (4) full minutes by which the fielding team exceeds its allotted time for the innings. The umpires shall signal to the scorers for the addition of these penalty runs at the beginning of each over to commence after each period of four (4) full minutes in excess of the allotted time for the innings.
(iii) To constitute a complete match, each team must have the opportunity to bat for at least twenty (20) overs.
13.1.3-Number of overs per bowler (VDCA Local Rule)
(a) No bowler shall bowl more than nine (9) overs in an innings.
(b) In a delayed or interrupted match where the overs are reduced for both teams or for the team bowling second, no bowler may bowl more than one-fifth of the total overs allowed.
(c) Where the total overs are not divisible by five (5), one (1) additional over shall be allowed to the maximum number per bowler necessary to make up the balance.
(d) In the event of a bowler breaking down and being unable to complete an over, the remaining balls will be allowed by another bowler. Such part of an over will count as a full over only in so far as each bowler's limit is concerned.
Law 16 – The Result
16.2-A Win - one innings match; shall be replaced by the following: (VDCA Local Rule)
(a) The side which has scored a total of runs in excess of that scored in the completed innings of the opposing side shall win the match. See Law 13.3-Completed innings. Note also Law 16.6-Winning Hit or Extras
(b) Save for circumstances where a match is awarded to a team as a consequence of the opposing team's refusal to play (Law 16.3), a result can be achieved only if both teams have had the opportunity of batting for at least twenty (20) overs, unless one team has been all out in less than twenty (20) overs or unless the team batting second scores enough runs to win in less than twenty (20) overs.
(c) Save for circumstances where a match is awarded to a team as a consequence of the opposing team's refusal to play (Law 16.3), all matches in which both teams have not had an opportunity of batting for a minimum of twenty (20) overs, shall be declared a No Result
Law 16.5-All other matches-A Tie or Draw; shall be replaced by the following:
16.5-A Tie (VDCA Local Rule)
The result of a match shall be a Tie when the scores are equal at the conclusion of play, but only if the side batting last has completed its innings. No account shall be taken of the number of wickets which have fallen, the scoring rate of the two sides, or relative scores at any point of the match, nor shall any other tie-break or count-back consideration be used to determine a winner.
The following shall apply in addition to Law 16:
16.11-Prematurely terminated matches (VDCA Local Rule)
In the event that the innings of the team batting second is suspended due to external circumstances (with at least twenty (20) overs bowled) and it is not possible for the match to be resumed, the team with the higher run rate shall be awarded a Win. Run rate shall be calculated by dividing the number of runs scored by the number of overs completed in an innings.
In the event of a team being all out in less than its full quota of overs, the calculation of its net run rate shall be based on the full quota of overs to which it would have been entitled and not on the number of overs in which the team was dismissed.
If the run rates of the two sides are equal, the match shall be declared a Tie. Otherwise the result is a victory, or defeat, by run rate.
(a) Regular Season (VDCA Local Rule)
The 2024 Division I: Weekend League shall feature fourteen (14) teams. Each team will be scheduled to play each team once to make thirteen (13) matches per club. In addition, there will be six (6) exhibition matches played with the Colts CC, no points awarded, unless a team no-shows on the match.
(b) Play-Offs (VDCA Local Rule)
Following completion of the Regular Season, the four (4) highest-ranked teams based on the final 2024 Regular Season standings (refer Law 16.13 (b) below) will progress to the "Play Offs", to be played as a simple knockout competition.
The first Play-Off match scheduled (the "First Semi-Final") shall feature the first-ranked team vs the fourth ranked team. The second Play-Off match scheduled (the "Second Semi-Final") shall feature the second ranked team and third ranked team. The final Play-Off match scheduled ("The Final") shall feature the winners of the two Semi-Finals.
In the event that either Semi-Finals or Finals are unable to be completed as initially scheduled, the higher-ranked team shall be declared the winner of their respective match on either scheduled match day.
For each Play-Off match, the higher-ranked team shall act as the "Home" team where required.
The eventual winner of the Play-Off competition will be awarded the Payne Cup and will represent the VDCA in the Tomalin Cup for 2024.
To be eligible to participate in the Play-Off competition, a player must be registered with the VDCA and must have participated in no fewer than five (5) matches with their registered club during the Regular Season.
The results of the Play Off competitions shall have no bearing on the final League standings. Any ranking of teams required for consideration in future seasons shall be based solely on League standings as they were at the completion of the Regular Season.
(c) Scheduling (VDCA Local Rule)
The VDCA Executive Board or its delegate will be responsible for setting the League schedule, including the Regular Season and Play Off competitions, and for accommodating any extra-League matches during the season, e.g. tournaments, representative teams, visiting Clubs.
The Executive Board or its delegate will publish the final date for consideration for special scheduling requests each season. Schedule change requests may be accommodated where possible, at the discretion of the Executive Board or its delegate.
Cancelled or uncompleted League matches may be rescheduled where possible by the Executive Board or its delegate, on request from both participating clubs.
16.13-Points (VDCA Local Rule)
(a) League points
For League matches played for points, the points system shall be as follows:
(b) League standings (per 2019-Apr-03 minutes)
The League standings during the Regular Season shall be determined by the number of overall points accumulated.
In the event of teams accumulating overall equal points, the League standings shall be determined as follows:
The team with the higher number of Wins, regardless of the number of completed matches, shall be ranked higher;
If still equal, the team with the higher number of Wins over the other team(s) who have accumulated an equal number of points ('head to head') shall be ranked higher;
If still equal, the team with the highest Net Run Rate shall be ranked higher.
(c) Net Run Rate
A team's net run rate is calculated by deducting from the average runs per over scored by that team in all completed matches throughout the competition, the average runs per over scored against that team in all completed matches throughout the competition.
In the event of a team being all out in less than its full quota of overs, the calculation of its net run rate shall be based on the full quota of overs to which it would have been entitled and not on the number of overs in which the team was dismissed.
In the event of a team achieving a Win in less than the full quota of overs, calculation of that team's net run rate shall be based on only the number of overs completed in that innings.
Only those matches where a result is achieved will count for the purpose of net run rate calculations.
16.14-Reporting the result (VDCA Local Rule)
(a) Responsibilities of the Home team captain / statistician:
(i) Inform the League Statistician of the match result before 9.00 am on the first working day following the match.
(ii) By midnight of the Tuesday following the match, enter a complete result summary and individual player scores in the respective electronic forms provided on the league webpage for each match, and validate the Scores of the match.
Failure to complete these tasks by the appointed times will result in the loss of one (1) League point by the Home team.
(b) Responsibilities of the Away team captain / statistician:
(i) Check (and if necessary correct) the result summary for both teams, as entered by the Home team captain;
(ii) Check (and if necessary complete or correct) the individual player scores of his own team;
(iii) Validate the scores for his team.
Failure to complete these tasks by midnight of the Wednesday following the match will result in the loss of one (1) League point by the Away team.
(c) Responsibilities of the League statistician:
Approve the scores before the next weekend. In any case where the scores cannot be validated and/or approved, incorrect or incomplete individual stats of all players of the teams from that game will be excluded from the official League statistics reports.
(d) Completion of Match Report:
At each match, the appointed umpires will provide appropriate sections of the Match Report to each captain (if required). It shall be the responsibility of each captain to complete the Team List section of the Match Report and return it to the umpires at the time of the toss (refer also Law 1.2 (a)) above. Immediately following the completion of the match the umpires will return the appropriate sections of the Match Report to each captain, whose responsibility it shall then be to complete the Result and Evaluation section of the Match Report and deliver it again to the umpires.
Failure of either team captain to complete the above tasks at the appointed times will result in the loss of one (1) League point for the applicable team.
It shall then be the responsibility of the appointed umpires to forward a copy of the completed Match Report to VISCUS assessor, to the VISCUS secretary, and to the VDCA statistician.
Failure to complete this task at the appointed time will result in the umpires forgoing any claim to compensation for travel expenses incurred as a result of officiating in that match.
Law 19 – Boundaries
19.6-Boundary allowances; shall be replaced by the following: (VDCA Local Rule)
(a) Before the toss, the umpires shall agree with both captains the runs to be allowed for boundaries. In deciding the allowances, the umpires and captains shall be guided by the prevailing custom of the ground.
The following shall be considered prevailing customs for VDCA League grounds:
(i) All fields:
A ball struck by the batsman passing through the trees around any part of the boundary, whether touching them or not, and whether landing within the field of play or over the boundary, shall be six (6) runs. The ball shall be considered dead as soon as it touches or passes through any part of a tree; a catch may not be made from a ball striking or passing through a tree.
(ii) Shawnigan Lake:
A ball struck by the batsman which hits the chain-link fence at the southern end of the field on the full shall be six (6) runs. It will be considered a fair catch if a fielder in the act of making the catch touches the fence.
(iii) Windsor Park:
The concrete path surrounding the pavilion building to the south-east of the field shall be considered at all times to be outside the boundary.
(b) Unless agreed differently under Law 19. 6 (a) above, the allowances for boundaries shall be six (6) runs if the ball having been struck by the bat pitches beyond the boundary, but otherwise four (4) runs. These allowances shall still apply even though the ball has previously touched a fielder. See also Law 19. 6 (c) below.
(c) The ball shall be regarded as pitching beyond the boundary and six (6) runs shall be scored if a fielder:
(i) Has any part of his person touching the boundary or grounded beyond the boundary when he catches the ball.
(ii) Catches the ball and subsequently touches the boundary or grounds some part of his person beyond the boundary while carrying the ball but before completing the catch, except as exempted under Law 19. 6 (a) above. See Law 33 (Caught).
Law 21 – No Ball
The following shall apply in addition to Law 21
21.19-Free Hit after a No Ball (VDCA Local Rule – per ICC))
In addition to the above the delivery following a No Ball called (for all modes of No Ball) shall be a Free Hit for whichever batsman is facing it. If the delivery for the Free Hit is not a legitimate delivery (any kind of No Ball or a Wide Ball) then the next delivery will become a Free Hit for whichever batsman is facing it.
For any Free Hit, the striker can be dismissed only under the circumstances that apply for a No Ball, even if the delivery for the Free Hit is called Wide Ball.
Field changes are not permitted for Free Hit deliveries unless:
There is a change of striker (the provisions of Law 28.7 below, shall apply).
The No Ball was the result of a fielding restriction breach, in which case the field may be changed to the extent of correcting the breach.
The umpires will signal a Free Hit by (after the normal No Ball signal) extending one arm straight upwards and moving it in a circular motion.
Law 24 – Fielder’s Absence; Substitutes
24.1-Substitute Fielders; shall be replaced by the following:
24.1-Substitute fielders
24.1.1-The umpires shall allow a substitute fielder (VDCA Rule -per MCC): an injured player
If they are satisfied that a fielder has been injured (i.e. the player sustained an “external” injury which means it was visibly sustained on the field - a twisted ankle, injuries from collisions and ball impact injuries) or become ill and that this occurred during the match allowing a nominated 12th man to “have a game”
If the opposing captain agrees and the umpires are satisfied that the substitution is being made solely to allow the 12th man to “have a game” but not for a fielder to “rest-up” or for comfort breaks any other wholly acceptable reason.
An example of wholly acceptable reason would be allowing a substitute for an emergency services worker who is called away to a job or a fielder leaving for family matters
In all other circumstances, a substitute is not allowed.
Law 25 – Batsman’s Innings; Runners, shall apply subject to the following: (VDCA local rule – per ICC)
25.1-Eligibility to act as a batsman or runner
Only a nominated player may bat
Laws 25.5, 25.6 and 25.7 shall not apply.
A runner for a batsman when batting is not permitted
Law 28 – The Fielder
The following shall apply in addition to Law 28:
28.7-Restrictions on the placement of fielders (VDCA local rule – per ICC)
(a) At the instant of delivery, there may not be more than five (5) fielders on the leg side.
(b) In addition to the restrictions contained in Law 28.1-6 and 28.7(a) above, further fielding restrictions shall apply to certain overs in each innings. The nature of such fielding restrictions and the overs during which they shall apply (hereinafter referred to as "Powerplays") are set out in the following paragraphs.
(c) The following fielding restriction area shall be marked on the field of play:
Two semi-circles, to have as their centre the middle stump at either end of the pitch, the radius of each to be thirty (30) yards (27.43 metres), and to be linked by two parallel straight lines. (See Appendix D) The fielding restriction area should be marked by continuous painted white lines or 'dots' at five (5) yard (4.57 metres) intervals, each 'dot' to be covered by a white plastic or rubber (but not metal) disc measuring seven inches (7"/18 cm) in diameter.
(d) Powerplays:
The first Powerplay shall begin at the beginning of the innings, and be one-fifth the duration of the innings; in an uninterrupted innings of 45 overs, these are overs 1-9 inclusive.
The second Powerplay shall begin directly after conclusion of the first Powerplay, and be three-fifths the duration of the innings; in an uninterrupted innings of 45 overs, these are overs 10-36 inclusive.
The third Powerplay shall begin directly after conclusion of the second Powerplay, and be one-fifth the duration of the innings; in an uninterrupted innings of 45 overs, these are overs 37-45 inclusive.
(e) Fielders During PP
During the first Powerplay, no more than two (2) fielders shall be permitted outside the fielding restriction area at the instant of delivery.
During the second Powerplay, no more than four (4) fielders shall be permitted outside the fielding restriction area at the instant of delivery.
During the third Powerplay, no more than five (5) fielders shall be permitted outside the fielding restriction area at the instant of delivery.
(f) In circumstances when the number of overs of the batting team is reduced, the number of overs in each Powerplay shall be reduced in accordance with the Table below. For the sake of clarity, it should be noted that the Table shall apply to both the first and second innings of the match.
(g) If play is interrupted during an innings and the table in Law 28.7(f) above applies, the Powerplay will take immediate effect. For the avoidance of doubt, this applies even if the interruption has occurred mid-over.
(h) At the commencement of each Powerplay, the umpire shall signal such commencement to the scorers by rotating his arm in a large circle.
In the event of an infringement of any of the above fielding restrictions, the square leg umpire shall call and signal 'No Ball'.
Law 41 - Unfair Play
Special mention is made of the following two clauses within Law 41, to indicate clearly that the VDCA expects all players to conduct themselves during a match in accord with the spirit and traditions of the game, as described in The Preamble - The Spirit of Cricket, as well as within the Laws. Captains shall be responsible for ensuring that play is conducted as such, and the umpires shall be the sole judges of same.
41.1-Fair and Unfair Play - Responsibility of Captains
The responsibility lies with the captains for ensuring that play is conducted within the spirit and traditions of the game, as described in The Preamble – The Spirit of Cricket, as well as within the Laws.
41.2-Fair and Unfair Play - Responsibility of Umpires
The umpires shall be the sole judges of fair and unfair play. If either umpire considers an action, not covered by the Laws, to be unfair he shall intervene without appeal and, if the ball is in play, call and signal Dead ball and implement the procedure as set out in Law 41.19. Otherwise umpires shall not interfere with the progress of play without appeal except as required to do so by the Laws.
41.6-Bowling of dangerous and unfair short pitched deliveries; shall be replaced by the following: (VDCA local rule – per ICC)
(a) Bowling of Fast Short-Pitched Balls
(i) A bowler shall be limited to one fast short-pitched delivery per over.
(ii) A fast short-pitched delivery is defined as a ball which passes or would have passed above the shoulder height of the striker standing upright at the popping crease.
(iii) The umpire at the bowler's end shall advise the bowler and the batsman on strike when each fast short-pitched delivery has been bowled.
(iv) In addition, for the purpose of this regulation and subject to Law 41.6 (a) (vi) below, a ball that passes above head height of the batsman, that prevents him from being able to hit it with his bat by means of a normal cricket stroke shall be called a Wide.
(v) For the avoidance of doubt any fast short pitched delivery that is called a Wide under this playing condition shall also count as the allowable short-pitched delivery in that over.
(vi) In the event of a bowler bowling more than one fast short-pitched delivery in an over as defined in Law 41.6 (a) (ii) above, the umpire at the bowler's end shall call and signal 'No Ball' on each occasion. A differential signal shall be used to signify a fast short-pitched delivery. The umpire shall call and signal 'No Ball' and then tap the head with the other hand.
(vii) If a bowler delivers a second fast short-pitched ball in an over, the umpire, after the call of 'No Ball' and when the ball is dead, shall caution the bowler, inform the other umpire, the captain of the fielding side and the batsmen at the wicket of what has occurred. This caution shall apply throughout the innings.
(viii) If there is a second instance of the bowler being no-balled in the innings for bowling more than one fast short-pitched delivery in an over, the umpire shall advise the bowler that this is his final warning for the innings.
(ix) Should there be any further instance by the same bowler in that innings, the umpire shall call and signal 'No Ball' and when the ball is dead direct the captain to take the bowler off forthwith. If necessary, the over shall be completed by another bowler, who shall neither have bowled the previous over, or part thereof, nor be allowed to bowl the next over, or part thereof.
(x) The bowler thus taken off shall not be allowed to bowl again in that innings.
(xi) The umpire will report the occurrence to the other umpire, the batsmen at the wicket and as soon as possible to the captain of the batting side.
(xii) Following the conclusion of the match, the umpires will then report the matter to the VDCA who shall take such action as is considered appropriate against the captain and the bowler concerned. (Refer also to Law 41.1 Fair and Unfair Play - Responsibility of the Captains, above)
Law 42 - Players’ Conduct
Important Note
VDCA shall not follow Law 42 as stated in the Laws of Cricket (2017 Code) nor shall it follow its references within other Laws
VDCA will not be using send-offs – However, current disciplinary mechanisms to report players post-match and the offences will continue to be covered in the VDCA Code of Conduct.
Law 42 shall be replaced by the following:
42.1-Unacceptable conduct
42.1.1 Four Levels of offences are identified as Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 in 42.2 to 42.5 (see below).
42.2-Level 1 offences
42.2.1 Any of the following actions by a player shall constitute a Level 1 offence:
willfully mistreating any part of the cricket ground, equipment or implements used in the match
showing dissent at an umpire’s decision by word or action
using language that, in the circumstances, is obscene, offensive or insulting
making an obscene gesture
appealing excessively
advancing towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing
any other misconduct, the nature of which is, in the opinion of the umpires, equivalent to a Level 1 offence.
42.3-Level 2 offences
42.3.1 Any of the following actions by a player shall constitute a Level 2 offence:
showing serious dissent at an umpire’s decision by word or action
making inappropriate and deliberate physical contact with another player
throwing the ball at a player, umpire or another person in an inappropriate and dangerous manner
using language or gesture to another player, umpire, team official or spectator that, in the circumstances, is obscene or of a seriously insulting nature
or any other misconduct, the nature of which is, in the opinion of the umpires, equivalent to a Level 2 offence
42.4-Level 3 offences
42.4.1 Either of the following actions by a player shall constitute a Level 3 offence:
intimidating an umpire by language or gesture
threatening to assault a player or any other person except an umpire. See 42.5.1.
42.5-Level 4 offences
42.5.1 Any of the following actions by a player shall constitute a Level 4 offence:
threatening to assault an umpire
making inappropriate and deliberate physical contact with an umpire
physically assaulting a player or any other person
committing any other act of violence.
42.6-Actions by the Umpires
If such an offence, as stated in 42.2, 42.3, 42.4, and 42.5 above, is committed, the umpires shall act upon as follows:
If either umpire considers that the conduct of a player, at any time during the match, is unacceptable, the umpire concerned shall call and signal Dead ball. This call may be delayed until the umpire is satisfied that it will not disadvantage the non-offending side.
The umpire shall call Time, if necessary.
The umpire concerned shall report the matter to the other umpire and together they shall decide whether misconduct has occurred. If so, they shall determine into which of the Levels the conduct falls, as set out in 42.2 to 42.5 above
Together the umpires shall summon and inform the offending player’s captain that an offence at this Level has occurred and make a note of the offence
As soon as practicable the umpire shall call Play.
For each Level 1 to 4, if the offence is by a batsman, the umpires shall summon the offending player’s captain to the field. Solely for the purpose of this Law, the batsmen at the wicket may not deputise for their captain.
The umpires together shall report the occurrence as soon as possible after the match to VISCUS through the Match Reports, who shall take such further action as is considered appropriate (as per the VDCA Code of Conduct) against the captain, any other individuals concerned and, if appropriate, the team.
The following Appendices apply only to the VDCA Match Conditions described above; Appendices to the Laws of Cricket shall stand as written and as originally numbered.
Appendix A1: Calculation sheet for use when delays / interruptions occur in first innings

Appendix A2: Calculation sheet to check whether an interruption during the first innings should terminate the innings

Appendix B2: Calculation sheet for use when delays / interruptions occur after the start of the second innings

Appendix C: Crease Markings

Appendix D: Restriction of the Placement of Fieldsmen