Thanks in large part to our Provincial Government, we are looking at getting cricket back this season!
The ICC, Cricket Canada and now Cricket BC have issued a COVID-19 Return to Cricket plan. The Cricket BC plan has not only followed the ICC/Cricket Canada model, but has also been based off of the viaSport Return to sport version. The VDCA has adopted the Cricket BC plan, and that can be read here.
All players are recommended to read that plan, and if they choose to participate in the upcoming 2020 season, they will need to register here. If they registered already this season, they will reimbursed for the additional player registration fee ($26). All players will need to adhere to all the COVID-19 Provincial restrictions and make sure the return to cricket is not only fun, but safe.
The schedule's will be getting developed as soon as the final permits are released from the various municipalities, and once this occurs, the club reps will be informed.
Additionally, for more information on VDCA's return to cricket, please read the memo below.